Our Business
Words and Music are the foundations of the company’s original path. Prose, Poetry, and Music composed, recorded and performed gives this company a unique niche in the marketplace.
Authoring a literary work and getting it published is a special feeling especially to an independent and new author. NedGJean is the company that will help guide young writers to follow their dreams with a passion for producing projects and that makes the dreams of ideas become a reality.
Who We Are
NedGJean International Inc. Founded by L.G Neddy Smith for creating original music products before adding literary works to the list.
Since 2007 Neddy founded the company. It has evolved gradually to produced recordings for the commercial and private market. It was not until 2017; the company took a new direction into the world of literary writing.
The need to write Blgs each month is a task one should not take lightly.
Choosing to combine words with music in this blog series will show how closely related these two opposite artform historically are joined together.
WORDS: https://neddysmith.wordpress.com
MUSIC: http://cdbaby.com/cd/neddysmith3
The theme of this page is, Words and Music.
“When dreams and hope become a passion, there will be consequences.”
To read the blogs, click on this lik: https://neddysmith.wordpress.com/
“Dreaming of the things I see through the annals of time is visionary, innovative and explosive in my mind eyes.” Quopte from blog (eso3)
Now that the novel, Valerie Palmary: A SMALL-TOWN GIRL, has been published, its accompanying song, of similar title, and a single recording, is currently available for worldwide distribution and download. You can find it at, http://cdbaby.com/cd/neddysmith3 , CDBaby.com®, Amazon.com®, iTunes.com® and all other online stores where music is sold and streamed.
Authoring and Songwriting.
NedGJean sources out to the literary community for the best editors as it maintains its music production robust.
It’s exciting to share the link to the first novel published by NedGJean: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=node%3D17&field-keywords=valerie+palmary+a+small-towl+girl
Copyright 2008 – 2021 NedGJean International, Inc. All rights reserved.